The 150 Strategy Roulette


Here we explain the basics of how to play roulette and strategies you can employ. You will learn about roulette wheels, tables, chips, the game process, and betting. Depending on whether you want. The Roulette Winning strategy for all kind of Roulette device. You can use this Roulette Winning system casino, Vegas, online Roulette, sky Roulette.

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Roulette Mathematical Strategies

Online Roulette Software detects & connects to the database of the casino and reads the futures numbers. We reproduce the reactions of the algorithm used by an online casino to simulate the random. In American Roulette - the addition of the double zero changes the house edge. The best strategy to win is by betting exclusively on the even money. : Very effective Roulette System is described here with examples.On you can find interesting roulette stuff!

I. Mathematics of Winning Roulette Strategy, Systems
II. Glamour and Attraction of Roulette on Gamblers
III. Statistical Analysis of Roulette Spins (Double- Zero)
IV. Free Winning Roulette Systems #1
Ion Saliu's Paradox and the game of roulette
• Relation of Birthday Paradox to roulette strategies
V. Free Winning Roulette Systems #2
VI. Ion Saliu's Roulette, Gambling Theory, Software Compared to Other Roulette Systems, Strategies
VII. Roulette Links, Resources, Software, Systems

1. The Mathematical Foundation of Winning Roulette Strategy and Systems

First captured by the WayBack Machine (

The 150 Strategy Roulette Tool

) on March 11, 2000.

The true book of roulette is founded on mathematics, probability theory and statistical analysis of casino roulette spins and random roulette spins. The winning roulette systems, strategies are totally free at this website; the software is free to run with a reasonable membership fee to download.

The common belief in the gambling world is related to the roulette wheel bias. Many kokodrilos (big–time gamblers) swear by the wheel in the sky that they make millions by exploiting the roulette wheel bias. There are plenty of legends. The wheels must have been terribly worn out.

I do have some problems and some remarks regarding the bias of the roulette wheel. I have done the most thorough research in this field. My tool of choice is computer software. My roulette software is not only unique, but founded on solid mathematics. I have analyzed both real–life casino roulette spins and random–generated spins. The reports are very much the same.

Nobody will ever be able to tell which one is the real spin report and which one is the report on computer–generated roulette spins. The number frequencies are the same. I apply a key parameter in my analysis: the SKIP. The skip represents the number of spins between two hits of the same roulette numbers. Again, the skips are the same for both real–life spins and randomly generated roulette spins. The statistical parameters are in accordance to theory of probability. You will see a statistical report on this page, and another one on a different page.

Wheel bias might occur sometimes. It's hard and costly to check very often every roulette wheel in a casino. Later on this page you will see an event of possible wheel bias I witnessed in a real casino. The data sample was not very large, however.

• The second roulette pairing statistical report I told you about is very interesting. If there is roulette wheel bias, then each roulette number must be followed preponderantly by certain numbers. I call this feature number pairing. It is a common feature that occurs in lottery as well. The pairing is also a feature in computer-generated roulette spins. The roulette pairing is not the result of mechanical bias. It is the result of probability theory, IF the results are compatible with the normal probability rule.

I analyzed 1968 real roulette spins recorded at the Hamburg, Germany casino, February 1 – 6, 2000. File name: HAMB00.DAT, component of the BrightR integrated roulette software, systems, utilities.

The results are categorized by the following parameters, in order:
Table or Wheel (Tisch) – Day (Tag) – Month (Monat) – Year (Jahr).

I downloaded the spins at one roulette table or wheel (#1) for the entire month of January 2006. File name: HAMB0106.WH1; 7990 lines (draws or spins) in text format; the last draw of 31 January 2006 is at the very top of the file (line #1). The file contains roulette numbers (spins) only, one number per line. The casino results files have also other data, such as frequency and various statistics. The files also have dashed lines (----) which probably represent dealer changes at that particular roulette table.

HAMB0106.WH1 represents the best recording format for roulette: table by table. Do not mix the spins from different roulette wheels in the same file.

I remarked that same-number repeats are far less frequent than different-number pairing. One roulette number is followed by itself slightly less than once in 1000 spins (on average). But the same number is immediately followed by a different number (best pairing) 3 or 4 times in 1000 spins.

2. The Glamour and Attraction of Roulette on Humans Named Gamblers

This roulette theory

The 150 Strategy Roulette Wheel

is absolutely unique. Nobody has ever come up with similar ideas. It is founded on the Fundamental Formula of Gambling and the WL streaks (winning/losing). Nobody, other than myself has ever put together a mathematical relation between probability and the W/L streaks. I am the first one to state that theory of probability is the science of the winning/losing streaks.

I know firsthand how casinos have reacted to my roulette and gambling strategies. They are highly anxious because they can't figure out my systems. Some figured out that I might count losing streaks, or winning streaks, or dealer bust streaks, etc. Of course, I do my best not to let the casinos gain knowledge of my strategies. That's the reason why I do not sell the roulette system unless the customer signs that he/she is not affiliated with a casino whatsoever. It would be illegal for a casino to get their hands on my systems.

    Then, I am posed, mockingly, this puzzling fact: Roulette is unbeatable. Great thinkers, such as D'Alembert and Einstein, designed roulette systems that actually fail. I believe Einstein was joking when he presented his infamous roulette system: Always double-up after a loss! What a huge mistake! Like any scientist, Einstein was fascinated with numbers and the unknown, as the roulette game provides. He was, however, very busy with his theory of relativity. He just did not allocate more time to the roulette phenomenon. Otherwise, Einstein's mental programs would have come up with a winning gambling (and roulette) system based, indeed, on the winning/losing streaks. Also, be mindful that Einstein was a religious man. He might as well be the most intelligent mystic who ever lived.

One issue concerns the reaction of casinos to this roulette system and strategy. You may be asked not to use pencil and paper at the roulette table. I stress here that the casinos have NO right to prohibit the use of pencil and paper on the premises. Such an act would represent a form of discrimination. Don't let yourself be intimidated. We all have rights under the law. The courts of law are wide open, including to class action suits.

Finally, I advise against the use of these roulette systems in a cyber casino (online). Internet gambling is prone to very serious fraud. Read the Gambling Odds, House Edge, Integrity, Fraud page for details based on observation and logic. Among other types of fraud: The higher your bet, the higher the probability you will lose it!

3. Statistical Analysis of Roulette Spins (Double-Zero)

Following is a fragment of the report generated by the roulette softwareSpins. It does not show all data, obviously. The program simulates a roulette game with 0 and 00. Number 37 represents double-zero (00).

The roulette numbers can hit-and-miss in a wild manner. Some numbers can hit frequently in a session (hot numbers). At the other end of the spectrum, some numbers can miss (skip) many spins (roulette sleepers). It is not unusual for a number or two to miss well over 100 consecutive roulette spins!

The FFG median of all skips, however, abides by undeniable mathematical rules (probability formulas). The skip median for single-zero roulette is 25; the skip median for zero-zero roulette is 26.

Many gamblers play roulette strategies based on hot numbers and/or sleeping numbers. I tend to disregard the sleepers by favoring the repeat numbers. You can get acquainted with my roulette strategy founded on the Birthday Paradox in the next section. Axiomatic gambling colleague of mine, you might want to keep a keen eye on that marquee (the casinos should turn it on at every table!)

4. The Free Winning Roulette System #1

Did you jump directly here from the top? I recommend you go back and start with the beginning. You need some information that I do not repeat here. The free roulette system I will present now is not included in the licensed roulette strategy package. As I explained many times, I give away freebies when I am certain I have far better systems, strategies, or software. On the other hand, I received several requests to give more details on how my systems work and what makes them tick. The predominant opinion is that nobody can play roulette for a profit consistently. Here is just one proof to the contrary. This is a real thing: a winning roulette system. There is also real life data to back it up. The skips presented here are collected from the Hamburg, Germany casino roulette.
  • A diligent, disciplined player can make a weekly profit by COVERING ALL THE NUMBERS BUT FOUR PLAYING NO MORE THAN 10 SPINS A DAY. The four numbers discarded of are the last four spins. You wait patiently, not playing, until the following event occurs. When one of the last four numbers hits again, you get ready to play. You cover all the numbers (0 and 00 including) but the numbers in the last FIVE spins (four numbers to play, because one is a repeat). You place 34 2-unit straight-up bets. Chances are you will win most of the time.
  • Next roulette spin, you make the same bet, using now three units per number (you are using some casino money). The first time you won 38-36=2 units; 2 units times 2 = 4 bets profit. The second time: you won 2 units x 3 = 6 units. Total profit per two plays: 10 units. Things are not always like this. Handy Brandy could lose sometimes the first bet. It happens very rarely, but one of the last four roulette numbers will hit again in consecutive sequence.

In most cases, Handy Brandy wins two times in a row without any of the last four roulette numbers repeating. He goes immediately to another table. He knows that the long run 'kills' the casino roulette player more than anything else.

After winning at the second table too, Handy Brandy usually cashes out. He runs out of the casino. Sometimes he might try doing the same things at the third table, but never more than winning at three roulette tables. The player will do the same thing the next day at a different casino and again at another casino... Here is illustrative data from the Hamburg casino. The following figures do NOT represent roulette numbers, but SKIPS. The skips, as in the frequency reports above, represent the number of roulette spins between hits.

9 5 57 17 30 18 0 3 13 25 6 0 4 17 2 24 0 4 3 15 13 8 21 2 23 2 6 7 7 10 3 3 17 10 15 11 1 15 3 1 24 11 10 2 3 13 6 12 3 3 24 6 10 21 4 8 9 8 0 20 7 21 7 18 6 0 17 4 13 5 2 6 16 0 2 4 0 7 0 7 1 8

The 150 Strategy Roulette

A figure such as 57 represents the skip of a particular roulette number. That particular roulette number (the 3rd most recent in our database) hit after 57 spins. That is, if we look at index 57+3 in our database, we'll find the same number again. Zero in the string above does not represent the 'green 0' (roulette number 0). It means that a particular number hit two spins in row, or hit in two consecutive spins. It couldn't be clearer now.

This page has been written by addition, rather than from the ground up. I added instead of editing and rewriting the material from top to bottom. The page also shows my growing in my linguistic English shoes! It is also clear that a force inside fights me from being too clear! No gambler has ever been more generous with his/her secrets than me!

The casino roulette software program Spins (also SuperRoulette) offers the best graphical representation of this free system. Page-down to the end of the frequency report. The system of interest is named Play all roulette numbers except for the last 5 spins. The report also recommends playing immediately following two consecutive misses (indicated by the – sign).

You only play at the points marked 0 (zero). That's when the last number is a repeat from the previous 5 roulette spins. You will play as above the next 3 points where the skip is zero. In many cases, it's after the third win in a row when you can encounter a string like 0 0. When that happens, you will lose 34 * 2 = 68 units. You improve your chances further when you leave after you won at three roulette tables. You should expect to lose once a week.

Ion Saliu's Paradox and Roulette

Ion Saliu's Paradox of N Trials is presented in minute mathematical detail at SALIU.COM, especially the probability theory page and the mathematics of gambling formula. If p = 1 / N, we can discover an interesting relation between the degree of certainty DC and the number of trials N. The degree of certainty has a limit, when N tends to infinity. That limit is 1 — 1/e, or approximately 0.632...
  • If you play 1 roulette number for the next 38 roulette spins, common belief was that you expected to win once. NOT! Only if you play 38 numbers in 1 spin, your chance to hit the winning number is 100%. Here is an interesting table, which includes also the Free Roulette System #1 in the last row.

The maximum gain comes when playing 38 roulette numbers in one spin: 36.3%. Obviously, it makes no sense to play that way because of the house advantage. On the other hand, a so-called wise gambler is more than happy to play one number at a time. What he does is simply losing slowly! Not only that, but losing slowly is accompanied by losing more. That cautious type of gambling is like a placebo. A roulette system such as the Free Roulette System #1 scares most roulette gamblers. 'Play 34 or 33 numbers in one shot? I'll have a heart attack!' In reality, the Free Roulette System #1 offers a 28.8% advantage over playing singular numbers in long sessions. In fact, the gain is higher since the bets are placed at optimal moments. That's mathematics, and there is no heart to worry about.

  • You can also use SuperFormula to calculate all kinds of probabilities and advantage percentages, including roulette bets. The option L — At least M successes in N trials is a very useful instrument. If you play 19 numbers in one spin, the probability to win is 50%. If you play 19 numbers in 2 consecutive roulette spins, the probability to win at least once is 75%.

Relation of the Birthday Paradox to roulette
The connection between the Birthday Paradox and the game of roulette is extraordinarily appealing to some gamblers. Unfortunately, the appeal has a thin mathematical foundation. The roulette game draws one and only one number at a time. The birthday paradox requires at least two elements. At least two persons in a room..., etc.

If the roulette would draw 10 numbers at a time, the probability would be 72.7% that at least two of the numbers would be equal to one another (i.e. duplicates). But even if the roulette game would consist of 10 spins at a time, the birthday paradox would have nothing to do with predicting the numbers. Some gamblers make the following illogical connection. If I consider 10 roulette spins at a time, in 72.7% of the cases, at least two of the roulette numbers will be repeaters.

So, if I play the last 10 numbers, the chance is very good (almost 3 out of 4 cases) that one of the numbers will repeat next! Wow! That would bankrupt every casino on the planet in a few days! If the roulette strategy would hold true, the probability would rise to 99.8% that the next spin will repeat a number from the last 20 roulette spins! Virtually, play the last 20 numbers and win every time. The cost is 20 units, the payout is 36 units, and therefore that roulette player would make a profit of 16 units in every play!

The cold truth is that the famous and appealing Birthday Paradox merely shows the percentage of sets with duplicate elements in the total elements of an exponential set. That's all. So, unsuspecting roulette enthusiasts do NOT rely on the birthday paradox when playing roulette with real money. If you do, don't ask me for a refund later! Mathematically, it is correct to expect that one of the numbers in the last 26 spins will repeat next with a better than 50-50 chance. It is the median skip calculated by the Fundamental Formula of Gambling. Real life roulette spins and randomly generated roulette numbers validate this law — always.

  • I did check, however, several roulette tables in Atlantic City, 2004. I did not find one, not one, roulette marquee showing unique numbers only. Out of 15 numbers, some were repeats — from 3 to 7 repeat numbers. Problem is, the skips between Birthday Paradox situations reached 8+ spins sometimes!
  • If I had checked 100 roulette marquees (in Atlantic City), I could have seen four tables showing all-unique roulette numbers! The probability of 15-number roulette strings with repeaters is 96%. Probably some players wait for 5 or 6 or so skips and then apply the Birthday Paradox. The average amount of unique roulette numbers to play is 12. We must win in two spins to make a profit.
  • Eventually, I devised a roulette system based onBirthday Paradox formulas, marquee numbers. Apply it intelligently by checking first several tables. Select marquees that show 8+ unique numbers at the top; if not available, start at a roulette table showing the longest string of unique numbers.

The Super Roulette gambling software adds kind of a new system to the Free Roulette System #1. The program adds two more columns to the report. Instead of tracking only the last 5 spins, Roulette tracks also the last 15 spins as displayed on the roulette marquee.

The relation to the Free Roulette System #1. What is the probability that two randomly drawn roulette numbers (spins) will be the same in a group of 5 roulette numbers? It is a Birthday Paradox with 38 birthdays. Instead of 5 persons, we deal with 5 randomly drawn roulette numbers. The probability of at least two collisions (coincidences, or repeats) is: 24%. It's scary for the players of the Free Roulette System #1.

Fortunately, the roulette wheel does not draw 5 numbers at a time. The reports of SPINS show you a more optimistic story. The reports are validated by real-life roulette spins, in a real-life casino. Actually, the analyses of roulette repeats must go much deeper. The roulette probability here refers to chunks of N numbers; e.g. 5 unique roulette numbers versus 5-number groups with at least one repeater...

Months after I published the mathematics of roulette related to the Birthday Paradox, I received negative reports from roulette players around the world. Quite a few casinos decided to turn off the electronic displays (marquees) at the roulette tables. Gamblers say that the decision of casino executives depends on how roulette players stare at the marquees and if the players take notes of the roulette numbers... and especially if they bet big and win big!

I also discovered wide piracy of my mathematical analysis of the Birthday Paradox as a potential roulette system. Even weeks after I published my roulette analysis, there were absolutely no other references on the Internet. Now, there is thousands of roulette systems derived from the Birthday Paradox as I presented it! Beware of other acts of piracy! You can find further information in the roulette resources section of this page.

5. The Free Winning Roulette System #2

An alleged casino executive made me kick him out and also fix the ill-fated James Bond roulette system. He posted on my message board with the intent to intimidate my guests. He made me angry as my response to him indicates! Plenty hot! The Bondish system is based on the first two douzaines: Play together 1-12 & 13-24. The scheme can be extended to any 2-to-1 bets. I offer the power of the standard deviation to improve James bond fictitious system. You can start with my free software SuperFormula, option S = Standard Deviation. You can also use as a training tool my other roulette programs, like Spins and especially Super-Roulette .

The Free Roulette System #2 is presented on Web page: James Bond Roulette System in the Taliban Desert.

By the way, if your bankroll is smaller, you can apply this system in 50-spin sessions.

One more tip. It is possible for a two-dozen (two-column) group to hit more than seven times in a row; or, more than seven out of 10 times. If that happens, you rode a very favorable standard deviation tide. Cash out immediately and move to another table!

My article and the system were provoked by an alleged casino top executive.
'I am currently theChairman of the MGM Grand Casino, and I was advised of this site by way of a memo sent to me.'

In a way, the alleged executive's message is an endorsement of my gambling systems. If the systems were not valid, why bother to risk being rear-end kicked by an understandably angered author? I want to stress again that the casinos have no legal grounds for banning record keeping by the players. Record keeping is also a requirement of tax laws. The rules of private entities do not take precedence over the national laws.

That's how the Free Roulette System #1 came to life as well. I am aware of such tendency now and I believe I have it under control. It will give the player and edge, without a doubt. I have checked for thousands of spins, broken down in 100-spin sessions. There are clearly two situations.

One, the roulette player wins 65 or FEWER spins; it is a losing session. The player counts 100 spins. The player started with 100 chip-units. At the end of the roulette table session, the player counts 61 units. The result was under the standard deviation. Remember to increase the bet the next session.

Two, the player wins 66 or MORE roulette spins; it is a winning session. The player counts 100 spins. The player started with 100 chip-units. At the end of the session, the player counts 69 units. The result was above the standard deviation (calculated for roulette probabilities). Remember to decrease the bet the next session.

The fluctuations in the roulette systems are mathematical, considering the game is totally fair. In an online casino, for instance, the fluctuations go mostly in the favor of the house. The house has to win above the standard deviation — always! Or especially when player's bet is high! That's anything but fairness! This roulette system does not even require strict record keeping. The player can just put aside a chip for each session played, and for each 10-spin roulette groups.

6. Ion Saliu's Roulette, Gambling Theory, Software Compared to Other Roulette Systems

My gambling theory, including roulette, is founded on mathematics, specifically the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). Also, everything I set out in my software must be validated mathematically to the best of my knowledge.

In all honesty, I don't see anything out there that offers better ways to winning at gambling or roulette. I wish there was something easier and more efficient than my approach. Nothing, honestly. IF my casino gambling methodology doesn't win the — there is absolutely nothing to accomplish such daunting tasks. Never will be, if my research has been futile. In the end, it's all about streaks and skips, no matter what the phenomenon is. The skips (misses) are shorter and the streaks are longer if the probability is higher; and vice versa.

The rest of the roulette gambling theory is nothing more than static progression betting and/or clocking the speed of the roulette wheel.

Static progression betting has virtually NO mathematical validity. The number of roulette skips (misses between wins) can be staggering. The winning/losing streaks are dynamic; they flow. It is random, but FFG discerns with various degrees of certainty DC how the streaks move.

Clocking the speed of the roulette wheel is an illusion the myths are made of. NASA sophisticated instruments may be able to measure precisely the speed of the roulette wheel. But NO instrument can predict the landing position of the spinning ball on the roulette wheel. The wheel deflectors randomize the movement regardless of the speed. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for any roulette player to clock the roulette wheel speed precisely, even if the casinos allowed the use of any instruments or computers on the premises.

Not to mention the thorough tests conducted by the manufacturers of roulette wheels. They certainly perform tests regarding the wheel speed and the landing of the spinning roulette ball. They probably run the roulette wheel at exactly the speed v (rotations per minute) for a number of runs R. They note that the roulette ball is landing randomly; i.e. in various positions on the wheel. They change the wheel speed and run another batch of tests. They notice the randomness of the ball landing. It is a strong fact regarding the roulette wheel. The same speed of the roulette wheel leads to highly random landing positions (roulette numbers).

    I did notice bias, however. It was due to the wear of the roulette wheel. Probably the deflectors of the roulette wheel were worn out. The wheel was malfunctioning, anyhow, I think. We can divide the roulette wheel in two sections based on the last number drawn. There are 38 numbers in double-zero roulette. The last number drawn, plus 9 numbers to its left on the roulette wheel layout, plus 9 numbers to the right on the layout = make up the inside hemisphere of the roulette wheel. The other 19 numbers make-up the outer hemisphere.

The next number should be FFG-equally distributed between the two wheel hemispheres. That is, the roulette insiders and roulette outsiders should be FFG-equally distributed. I tracked the spins at a roulette table in Atlantic City. To my (belated) dismay, the ratio was 80% to 20% biased towards the outer hemisphere! Actually, two roulette dealers — a woman and a man — shifted at the table during that continuous run! So, it was not a so-called roulette dealer's signature! It was a malfunctioning of the roulette wheel.

It is likely that the casinos have no knowledge of such phenomenon. But tracking the landing in the roulette inner hemisphere and the outer hemisphere is pretty hard to accomplish when actually playing roulette in a casino.

Later on, I decided to release special roulette software that works with the roulette wheel sectors and the Birthday Paradox. Program name: RouletteHemis; software category 5.5.

Right now, I cannot see any casino roulette gambling system better than mine. That's the only way, like my gambling theory and software do: Track the winning and the losing streaks and their corresponding skips (misses). Apply the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). There will be some no playing moments (or play the minimum bet); other situations demand a higher roulette bet. It is hard work, but nothing else works better. It might not be attractive to the faint at heart or the illusion-drinker.

Read Ion Saliu's first book in print: Probability Theory, Live!
~ Founded on valuable mathematical discoveries with a wide range of scientific applications, including probability theory applied to roulette gambling, software, real winning systems.

Roulette: Software, Systems, Super Roulette Strategy

See a comprehensive directory of the pages and materials on the subject of roulette, software, systems, and the Super Strategy.
  • BrightR: High-Powered Integrated Roulette Software.
    It bundles in a convenient system the most important pieces of roulette software, accompanied by a visual tutorial.
  • The Best-Ever Roulette Strategy, Systems based on mathematics of progressions and free-for-all.
  • The Best Strategy for Lottery, Gambling, Sports Betting, Horse Racing, Blackjack, Roulette.
  • An inventory of free and outrageously pricedroulette systems from many gambling developers.
  • Roulette Software, Systems: Wheel Positioning, Slots, Sectors, Birthday Paradox.
    Of course, my theory, system, and software were pirated already! An Australian group behind the website named already sells a $2,500 roulette system. Their advertising logo reads in a picture): We consider which HALF of the wheel the ball landed in. - 'Roulette System that Won Millions!'
  • Roulette System: Wheel Halves, Sectors, Layout, Bias Betting
    ~ The original roulette system that was pirated and distributed at exorbitant prices.
  • Probability, Odds to Win Roulettein Various Number of Spins: To Be Ahead and Quit.
  • The James Bond Roulette System in the Taliban Desert.
  • 'Roulette Systems', Threats from Casino Chairman.
  • Anti-gambler Advice: John Patrick, Casino Mole, Conspirator.
  • Wizard of Odds Gambling Fallacy, Ion Saliu Gambling Theory.
  • Casinos pay troubled individuals to intimidate intelligent gambling system authors.
  • Demise of Gambler's Fallacy, Reversed Gambler's Fallacy, Streaks, including roulette.
  • Gamblers' Fallacy, Doctrine of Maturity of Chances, Roulette, Gambling Systems.
  • Download Software for Casino Gambling, Roulette, Blackjack.

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The game of roulette has become one of the most popular among the gambling community. It attracts many people with its easy rules and various betting options. It is often referred to as a game of chance, where the player needs to court the Lady of Luck. That is absolutely reasonable, but it does not mean that you need to place foolishly your bets.

150 Roulette Strategy

The game has developed considerably over the years, so that there are certain strategies, which may turn out to be very useful. To play in accordance with a plan will prevent you from substantial losses. In fact, many inexperienced players believe that there is no logic in roulette and just place their bets in a totally random way. This is far from reality and the following article will provide you with knowledge in some of the most widely used strategies by versed players.

The Choice of a Strategy

Many people believe that the methods of playing roulette are inefficient. The reason is that they tried to play in accordance with them and experienced substantial loss. The reason is that to stick to a certain strategy, every player should bear in mind their own betting preferences, win goals, loss limits and gambling budget. Moreover, you not only need to know the basics of the system, which you go for, but you also need to be familiar with the finest details of it. There is no strategy, which will guarantee you a life-changing amount of money, but the suggested methods work for reasonable goals.

Experts in the gambling industry have calculated the odds of winning roulette and have also taken into consideration the house advantage. This advantage is generally referred to as the house edge. In the French style of roulette, the house edge is said to be around 2.7%. For American roulette, the house edge is known to be roughly 5.26%, making the French style of the game much more favorable for regular gamblers.

Despite the clear unfavorable risk associated with the game of roulette, it has undoubtedly become one of the most reputable titles in not only brick-and-mortar, but also in internet casinos as well. Several strategists have devised theories that aim to give an advantage to the player. Most of these theories are proven to be ineffective. However, some of them do provide an interesting perspective.

We can outline 2 major categories, when it comes to strategies. Depending on the amount of money you place after every spin of the wheel, there is a positive and negative progression system. When talking about positive progression system, the player increases the stake in case of win and decreases it in case of loss. In fact, we may say that the positive progression systems are the counterpart of the negative ones.

Most of the roulette strategies are related to the even-money outside bets, which are placed on the outside betting layout. The logic behind it is that these bets cover a larger section of numbers. The payouts might be low, but the winning chances are much better in comparison to the inside bets.

The Martingale

The idea is that the player doubles the wager every round and plays with an even bet (red/black, high/low, odd/even). In that way, even if the player loses a couple of times, only one win will leave the gambler with a profit, which equals the original bet. To make it clearer, here is a simple example of the strategy. You start with $1 and first round you lose. Then you place $2 and you lose again, third round you lose $4. On the fourth round, you place $8 and you win. Thus, you have lost $7 in total and you have a profit of $1 at last. Briefly, if you play in accordance with this strategy, you need to double the wager after every loss and reduce it to its initial value after you win. This is an example of negative progression system.

Unfortunately, by applying this strategy, you risk facing the table limits very fast, so that you cannot continue to stick to it. Many people will consider that the chance of long consecutive losing streaks is minimal, but the wheel is a game based on random events. So, do not count on the mercy of fate.

Moreover, keep in mind that casinos are familiar with these systems and that is the reason why the minimum-to-maximum limits are tight. It is a preventive measure against such strategies.

Roulette Martingale Betting System
Bet NumberBet SizeSpin OutcomeNet Winnings

The Grand Martingale

Being a variation of the Martingale strategy, it has a very similar logic behind it. You double your bet, but also add one more unit to it. This is even a faster way to reach the limits of the table, because you play with even higher amount of money. For example you start again with $1, the next spin you place $3 (1 X 2 + 1 = 3), then next round you bet $7 (3 X 2 + 1 = 7) and so on. The advantage of this strategy is that after you hit a winning score, you will gain much greater profit than just the initial bet. The strategy is applicable for even-money outside bets. For example, after you have lost $7, you need to place $15. In case you win an even-money bet, you win $30. This means that you have lost $26 and you have won $30, so your net profit is $4. Thus, we may conclude that the gain is the initial bet plus 1 unit for each loss in a consecutive streak. Being more aggressive variation of the Martingale, it also represents negative progression system.

These systems are worthwhile for players, who have more funds and are willing to take higher risk.

Roulette The Grand Martingale Betting System
Bet NumberBet SizeSpin OutcomeNet Winnings

The Reverse Martingale

As one may understand from the name of this strategy, the main idea is just the opposite of the one from the Martingale method. You double your bet, but only after every win and turns to the initial one after every loss. But the system is a bit tricky, since you may lose all the profit after a winning streak. For instance, you bet $1 and you win $2. Then you place $4 and you win $8. After the first loss, though, you will lose all the $8 (the profit plus the initial bet). Since each spin of the wheel equals to a random winning number, it cannot be predicted when the winning streak will be over. Therefore, this strategy is applicable only for short-term betting sessions. Being just the opposite of the Martingale, it is a positive progression system.

Roulette The Reverse Martingale Betting System
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The D’alembert System

What is most attractive in this strategy is that your bankroll stays under reasonable limits. That is the reason why this strategy is so favored by many players. The method is also known as a pyramid and the whole idea behind this strategy is to decrease the bet by one unit after a win. In case of a loss, the players increase the next bet with one unit. The advantage of applying this strategy is that it is relatively safe. The D’alembert system is very appropriate for tight bankrolls. Moreover, the player is not in danger to reach the maximum table limits as fast as with the Martingale system.

What is most interesting about the D’alembert strategy is that if the number of wins and losses is the same, the net profit of the player equals to the number of wins. For example, in case of 5 wins and 5 losses, your net gain will be $5.

The handicap of the D’alembert system is that the player cannot win a substantial profit. But everything comes at a price. In roulette, the risk-averse systems do not offer a striking payout, but rather safety. The other disadvantage of the strategy is the low initial bet. In a long run of wins, the player will reach the minimum table limits and the winning streak will be interrupted.

The strategy gives very good results, when used on a French table with only one zero pocket. Despite all the favorable factors, the method is part of the negative progression systems.

Roulette The D’alembert Betting System
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The Reverse D’alembert System

That is the positive progression counterpart of the D’alembert. Probably most of the “reversed” variations of the playing strategies are devised by players, who experienced long runs of losses by applying the usual strategy. Thus, the idea to put themselves in the shoes of the casino seems more attractive. To do so, the players just turn the rules around. Therefore, it is not a surprise that the contra-Alembert system means that the player increases the initial bet after every win by one unit and decreases it in case of a loss.

This strategy counts on sequences of wins, but the problem is that no one can pre-determine when a winning streak will be over. Moreover, in case of an equal number of consecutive wins and losses, you will be in minus by the number of losses. Therefore, the players should bear in mind that to gain a net profit by applying this strategy, they need to have more wins than losses.

Roulette The Reverse D’alembert Betting System
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The Labouchere System

Probably the name does not ring a bell to the amateur players, but this system is quite popular among the versed players. In fact, it is also known as a cancellation strategy. Similar to the Martingale system, it is a negative progression betting system, since you increase the wagered amount after every loss. It aims to recover the losses with a couple of wins. Being one of the most complicated strategies, it is placed only on even-money outside bets. To apply this method, one may need a pen and a note, because it is related to some calculations.

The player starts with writing down an arbitrary sequence of numbers on a piece of paper. The gain for each sequence of numbers is the sum of all the numbers from it. For example, your sequence is 1, 2, 3, so the total value of the numbers is 6 and that should be the profit in case you win.

The amount of your bet is calculated on the basis of the sum of the first and last numbers from the sequence. In the case with the aforementioned numbers, that would be 1 + 3 = 4, therefore the amount of the bet is $4. If you win the bet, then the first and the last numbers of the sequence are cancelled. So, you cross the numbers off the note. Then, you continue with the other numbers. In our case, we have left only with one number, which should be the total amount of the bet. So, you place $3. But, if we have the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, then you need the sum of 2 + 3 = 5. So, $5 should be your next bet. In case you win, then the cycle is over and you need to start with another sequence.

Every time you lose the wager, you add one number to the cycle. Let’s take the same example with the sequence 1, 2, 3. After you have lost the first bet of $4, you need to add the amount, which you have staked to the end of the sequence. In case of one loss, the number cycle looks as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4. When losing a wager, do not scratch off any numbers, but you add one more.


Let’s say you win the first wager, you “cancel” the numbers 1 and 4 and you are left with the numbers 2 and 3. Your next wager should be $5, but in case you lose it, you need to add 5 to the sequence, since the amount of the last bet is the next number, which should be added in case of loss. Then, your sequence will be 2, 3, 5.

Interesting enough is that no matter how long the chain is, after “cancelling” all the numbers, you will be left with a net gain, which equals the total sum of all the numbers from the initial sequence.

This type of strategy is also negative progression system. Many players are attracted by it, because it brings a profit through winning fewer bets than you lose, i.e. “canceling” 2 losses with only one win. The problem is that the wheel has no memory and you never know when the bad run will abandon you. It is a mistaken belief that it is impossible to lose one and the same outside bet in a row. This is known as gambler’s fallacy, which led many players to lose a fortune.

The other problem of the strategy is that the in a long run of losses, the player takes the risk to bump into the maximum limit of the table, so that the streak should be interrupted. This immediately eliminates any chances of recovering the lost money by following this strategy.

Roulette The Labouchere Betting System
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The Reverse Labouchere System

Similar to the normal version of the strategy, this one also requires a sequence of numbers and the first bet is the sum of the first and last number of the sequence. From that point comes the difference. In the reverse version, the player needs to add the amount of the last bet as a number to the sequence in case of a win. If a loss occurs, then the first and the last numbers of the cycle are “canceled”. When the numbers from the line are all scratched off, then the player generates a loss instead of win.

Roulette The Reverse Labouchere Betting System
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The Fibonacci System

It is used with placing even-money outside bets. The strategy relies on negative progression, because every time the player generates a loss, the wager is increased. The Fibonacci sequence of numbers starts with 0, then 1 and all the following numbers are the sum of the previous two. The sequence looks as follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 and etc. When applying the strategy in a game of roulette, it should be mentioned that 0 is ignored. To apply this method, you need to have planned how much you will wager per unit. The amount is chosen by the player, but it is highly recommended that it should represent between 2% to 5% from the overall bankroll for the betting session.

Following the Fibonacci system means that your first bet should always be one single betting unit, because the first number from the sequence is 1. For example, you would like to place $5 in the beginning. In case of a loss after the first spin of the wheel, the player needs to move to the second unit from the line, which is again 1. So, the second stake will be again $5. For a two-unit wager, the stake should be $10. Therefore, every time you experience a loss, you go up the line. On the other hand, in case you win the bet, you need to go down two numbers in the line. Let’s say you win after betting 34 units. Sticking to the logic of the system, you need to stake 13 units for the next round.

Similar to the other negative progression systems, the main problem with the Fibonacci strategy is the risk of a long losing streak. In that case, you will go up the line and your stakes will get high enough to reach the table maximum. Thus, you need to strictly follow how much you are winning or losing, so that you can stick to the rules of the strategy. When playing in a brick-and-mortar casino that may be difficult because of all the distractions. That is the reason why players, who would like to try the Fibonacci strategy, are highly recommended to play in an online casino.

Roulette The Fibonacci Betting System
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The Paroli System

The Paroli strategy is often related to as the counterpart of the Martingale one. That is the reason why it is safe to state that this method is positive progression system, because the player doubles the bet after generating a win and cuts it to its initial amount in case of a loss. This system is favored by many players, because of its simplicity. Moreover, it will protect you from chasing the losses, because after generating the third win in a single streak, you need to start playing with your base stake.

This strategy is appropriate for even-money outside bets. The betting unit, which you place should not be higher than 5% and not lower than 2% of the overall budget for the certain betting session.

The 150 Strategy Roulette Free

Roulette The Paroli Betting System
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The 1-3-2-6 System

The 150 Strategy Roulette Game

Similar to the Paroli strategy, this is a positive progression system, where the risk of substantial losses is insignificant. Being simple enough, it is highly recommended to the beginners. Here, you place your bet again on even-money outside bet. Determine your betting unit and place your first stake. By doing so, you start a sequence, which is complied with the following 1-3-2-6 pattern. In case you win, you go up the line of the sequence. For instance, you place $10 on the first spin, your next bet should be $30, then $20 and at last $60. But if a loss comes up, then you need to start with the sequence from the beginning.

What is most worthwhile about this strategy is that it is not based on increasing the bet after a loss. Moreover, it offers moderate bets in accordance with your initial betting unit. The drawback of the strategy is the presence of the house edge. Of course, no strategy eliminates it, but you can go for playing on the European or French table, where the rules are more favorable to the player and provide paybacks for bets that land on either the zero or double zero pockets.

Roulette The 1-3-2-6 Betting System
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There are several different approaches one can take at the roulette table. It should be noted that the purpose of all the strategies is not to beat the wheel, but to keep you safe from substantial losses. By following some of these methods, it will be easier for you to manage your bankroll in a smart way.