4 Of A Kind In Cribbage


Basic facts

  1. In Cribbage How Many Points Is 4 Of A Kind
  2. 4 Of A Kind In Cribbage Score Today
  3. 4 Of A Kind In Cribbage Odds

Three Best Friends Bella and Grace are surprised by Tess whens he finds them in the midst of foreplay. Soon, Tess joins Bella in worshipping. Cribbage, or crib, is a card game traditionally for two players, but commonly played with three, four, or more, that involves playing. 4 of a kind is 6. Cribbage rules may sound a bit complex and obscure, but once learned the game can be quite fun and challenging to play.

  • This game uses one standard 52 pack of cards.
  • There are two players.
  • Kings are high.
  • A special scoreboard with pegs is used to keep score.
  • Each face card represents 10 points. The Ace one. The rest of the cards represent their index value.

    Object of the game

    The first player to score 121 or more points wins the game.

    At the start of the game

  • Six cards are dealt to each player.
  • Possession of the crib alternates between rounds.

    The course of play

  • Both players discard two cards to the crib. This serves as a third hand for the dealer.
  • A card is cut from the remainder of the deck. This is called the 'starter'. If it is a Jack, the dealer pegs two points.
  • The non dealer plays a card in front and declares the point value of the card, as in 'six' if a six is played. This process is called 'Pegging'.
  • Then the dealer plays a card and announces the total of the cards, as in 'fifteen' if a nine is played after the six.
  • This alternating play continues until one of the players cannot play a card without bringing the total over 31.
  • The first player that cannot play a card must then say 'Go'.
  • The other player must then play all cards possible until they cannot play any more without going over 31.
  • After the other player cannot play any cards, they peg one point for a Go, or peg two points if they total exactly 31.
  • The player who said 'Go' must then lead the next card to continue the process once again.
  • The player who plays the last card pegs one point of 'Last card' or two if it totals 31.

    After a round

  • All points are totaled in the non-dealer's hand.
  • All points are totaled in the dealer's hand.
  • All points are totaled in the dealer's crib.
  • The 'starter' counts as a fifth card in totaling all three hands.
  • If there is no winner, the other player becomes the dealer (and gets the crib) and the process is repeated.
    4 Of A Kind In Cribbage


    There are several ways to score points in cribbage.
  • If a Jack is cut as the 'starter' the dealer scores two points.
  • A player scores one point for a 'Go' unless they can achieve 31, then they score two points.
  • A player scores one point for 'Last card' unless they can achieve 31, then they score two points.
  • When totaling the hands, if a Jack of the same suit as the 'starter' is in the main four card hand, one point is pegged.
  • If the five cards any hand are all the same suit then five points are pegged for a five card flush.
  • If the four cards of the DEALT HANDS ONLY, NOT THE CRIB are of the same suit and a five card flush has not been scored, then four points are scored for a four point flush.
  • In any hand AND in the pegging (alternating plays of the cards mentioned above) the following scoring combinations are possible.
  • A. Any pair is worth two. This means that three of a kind would make three pairs (six points) and four of a kind would make six pairs (12 points).
  • B. Any run of consecutive cards greater than three are worth the size of the run. If pairs are present then more than one run may be possible.
  • C. Any combination of cards totaling fifteen are worth two points each.

    End of the game

  • When one of the players gets 121 points, they win the game.
  • If the other player fails to score 90 points they are skunked.
  • If the other player fails to score 60 points they are double skunked.

    In Cribbage How Many Points Is 4 Of A Kind

    4 Of A Kind In Cribbage Score Today

    About the Author

    Trisha Ellington works for Softgame Company, maker of card games, video poker and puzzles. She works on web sites, designs games and does graphic work.
    For all three difficulty levels the cards are dealt completely at random to both you and to the computer. The difference between the easy, standard and pro levels is the strategy used to choose the computer's discards and pegging plays. If you are finding that your computer opponent is beating you, you will likely benefit from understanding how the computer chooses its next move.
    Discarding:Chooses a random pair of cards.
    Pegging:Chooses a random valid card.

    Standard Computer Strategy

    4 Of A Kind In Cribbage Odds

    Discarding:Chooses the pair of cards that will result in the best hand score ignoring the possible flip card. If the discards are a pair or sum to 15, it adjusts the analyzed hand value by 2 (plus or minus depending on the crib owner.) Notice that this strategy does not account for flushes or possible runs that could result from the flip card.
    Pegging:Chooses the next card that will result in the highest score for itself. If all plays are of equal value then it chooses at random.

    Discarding:Evaluates the score for each pair of discards for all possible flip cards still left in the deck. Then takes the play that averages the highest outcome. For the cards in the crib, evaluates their value as well with each possible flip card and adds or subtracts depending on who will count the crib. Note that the potential from the two additional crib cards are not included in the crib analysis.
    Pegging:Chooses the next card that will result in the highest score for itself. It also prefers not to leave the pegging count at 5 or 21. If all plays are of equal value then it chooses at random.